Business and Finance
Students in the Business and Finance pathway will take Business Career Pathways and Microsoft Office as the two technical courses.
Business and Finance Technical Courses
Business Career Pathways
Where do you see yourself in five years? This is a common interview question and most students won’t have an answer. In addition the American Economy is changing at a rapid pace and we’re educating students for careers that aren’t even invented yet. No matter what path our students choose they will require business skills and knowledge to survive. In this course we will investigate various industries and careers within those industries through research, speakers and field trips. We will gain a general understanding of the major disciplines of business in the 21st century, such as US and Global Business Environments, Entrepreneurship, and Personal and Business Finance, through the use of hands-on, enjoyable, and challenging activities. Lastly, students will develop skills essential to success in any career such as time management, communication, leadership, social media etiquette, public speaking and accountability. Students in this course are also eligible for DECA. (5 Credits (#62024) Open to Grades 9-12)
Prerequisites: None
Microsoft Office
Demonstrate that you have the skills needed to get the most out of Microsoft Office. Master Office Word, PowerPoint or Excel in this hands-on course where instructor demonstrations and direction along with tutorials guide you through the tips and techniques of optimal use of these software packages. While it is not required, students can take the optional Microsoft Office certification test (for an additional fee) at the completion of the course or they can just learn the programs for use in school or future career. (5 Credits (#61524, #61624) Open to Grades 9-12)
Prerequisites: None
Business and Finance Advanced Courses
*Students must complete technical courses prior to free dual enrollment advanced courses pending grant funding.
(Choose two courses)
Accounting 1 (DE)
Accounting 1—CP is a one semester course open to all students. Students will explore the fundamental concepts of Financial Accounting. High emphasis is placed on computerized Accounting practices. Students will complete a variety of short and long term projects using Aplia Online Working Papers and customized Google Sheets spreadsheet templates. Students will also get a taste of authentic Accounting in action as they observe and assist in the bookkeeping activities of DECA’s Lions Locker School Store and Custom Apparel business. Accounting Students are eligible for DECA team and competition.
- Prerequisite: None
- 5 Credits (#62424)
- Open to Grades 9-12
E-Commerce Marketing I-CP
This CP level course is ideal for students interested in exploring how to conduct business online. Students will study how implementing technology can engage cardholders, merchants, issuers, payment gateways and other parties in electronic transactions. The importance of proper integration between an e-commerce website and various social media promotions will be a heavy focus of this course. In this experiential learning students will evaluate and update a working internet commerce site for the Lions Locker, CHS school store. Students will learn the importance of positioning a retail brand against target consumers, choosing category assortment, negotiating certain terms with vendors, setting prices and promotions, managing inventories, developing messaging and advertising through traditional methods as well as social media marketing while factoring in competition, and constructing a viable online business model. The creative outlets for students in the class are endless. DECA eligible course.
- Prerequisite: None
- 5 Credits (#65124)
- Open to Grades 9-12
Entrepreneurship I (DE)
This course will introduce individual components of entrepreneurship and their implications for society. Special emphasis is placed on decision-making and problem solving in society through an understanding of opportunity recognition, economic/financial models, value creation, and basic entrepreneur-related concepts. This course also introduces students to the theory of entrepreneurship and its practical implementation. Students will have the opportunity to use state of the art software and apparel decoration equipment to aid in the learning process. Centered around a mixture of theoretical exploration as well as case studies of real world examples and guest lectures, students will develop an understanding of successes, opportunities and risks of entrepreneurship. Students will also develop skills in written business communication and oral presentations that allow students to integrate entrepreneurship concepts and interact with business experts. Students in this course are eligible for DECA team and competition.
- Prerequisite: None
- 5 Credits (#64124)
- Open to Grades 10-12
Introduction to Stats (DE)
This full-year course is designed for students who have successfully completed Algebra II. The course will introduce students to statistical reasoning and methods that are relevant in the fields of medicine, business, education, political science, psychology and entertainment. Topics will include design of experiments and sampling techniques, data analysis and displays, probability and counting principles, discrete probability distributions, normal probability distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. Students will be required to keep an organized notebook, read and interpret the textbook, and do independent work. Emphasis will be placed on investigating and solving real world problems that will include open response questions for a variety of applications.
- Prerequisite: Algebra II H or CP
- 10 Credits (#15423)
- Open to Grades 11-12
Management (DE)
This semester course introduces basic functions and how organizations/businesses are owned, managed, and controlled. The managerial roles of planning, leading, organizing and controlling provide the framework that course materials are built around. Areas of concentration include legal and ethical considerations in management, decision-making and communication skill development, and leadership principles. Computer simulations are utilized to enhance student understanding. Students are eligible and encouraged to participate in DECA competitions and events where they will have a chance to successfully apply their knowledge in a variety of academic and hands-on settings.
- Prerequisite: None
- 5 Credits (#65424)
- Open to Grades 9-12
Marketing (DE)
A college oriented course designed to cover key topics such as: the role of marketing in our economy; consumer behavior; market planning; the development of the marketing mix; market segmentation; pricing strategies; selling and advertising. Discussions, case studies, oral presentations, and writing assignments will be a part of the required coursework. Computer simulation programs will be used to enhance student understanding in multiple areas. Students are eligible for and are encouraged to participate in DECA and compete with other students in specific areas of study they are interested in: concert/event promotion, fashion buying, displaying and showcasing. Students will explore the determination of target markets, the psychological influences that cause people to buy, and the appropriate advertising methods used to reach the appropriate audiences. Students will be encouraged to participate in DECA competitions and events where they will have a chance to successfully apply their knowledge in a variety of academic and hands-on settings.
- Prerequisites: None
- 5 Credits (#65024)
- Open to Grades 9-12
Psychology I (DE)
This course for juniors and seniors is designed to introduce students to the biological and theoretical foundations of psychology. The course will encourage students to develop analytical skills, conduct research, investigate the mind-body connection, analyze the concepts of consciousness, evaluate the theories of personality, develop an understanding of psychological disorders, evaluate the role and effectiveness of 23 treatments, and analyze the theories of intelligence. Students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of psychology through various projects, discussions, and assignments.
- Prerequisite: None
- 5 Credits (#36824)
- Open to Grades 11-12
AP Psychology
This college level course is designed to introduce students to the biological and theoretical foundations of Psychology. The course will cover material ranging from the historical roots of this social science, the methods of research as well as the anatomical structure and function of the brain and sense organs. Emphasis will be placed on investigative research, analysis, interpretation, and writing skills. Students will explore the concepts that today’s psychologists are continuing to research. Students will be expected to take on the demands of a college level course, including additional reading assignments during the summer and throughout the school year. Students are required to read Lauren Slater’s “Opening Skinner’s Box” prior to the first class meeting of the school year. Copies are available in the CHS Learning Commons as well as the Chelmsford Public Library. Test taking and writing skills will be addressed throughout the course to prepare students for the Advanced Placement Psychology Exam in May.
- Prerequisite: none
- 10 Credits (#37013)
- Open to Grade 12
AP Statistics/CP Statistics (DE)
Advanced Placement Statistics is a year-long course for students who are interested in studying statistics in depth. The AP Statistics course will prepare students to take the AP Statistics exam. Emphasis will be given to real-world applications in a variety of disciplines, including medicine, business, education, political science, psychology, sports, and entertainment.
Major topics will include:
- Exploring Data: Observing patterns and departures from patterns
- Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study
- Anticipating Patterns: Producing models using probability theory and simulation
- Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses
Students will be required to keep an organized notebook, read and interpret the textbook, and do
independent work. Homework will require students to identify appropriate methods for solving problems, show detailed work to support their answers, and provide thorough explanations of their results. In communicating results to problems, particular attention will be given to the proper use of statistical vocabulary and accurate explanations of statistical concepts and methods.
The TI Nspire CX CAS graphing calculator is used for this course. Students will also use statistical software to practice and strengthen their understanding of statistical concepts. In addition to frequent assessments that include both multiple choice and open response type questions, there will be 1-2 projects per term. Projects will provide students an opportunity to gain hands-on experience and make connections between different parts of the course.
- Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and completion of summer work is required for all students. Additionally, Algebra I H and Algebra II H students must have a grade of 80% or higher, and Algebra II CP students must have a grade of 90% or higher.
- 10 Credits (#15413)
- Grades 11-12 predominantly, with special exceptions for Grade 10