SHNS: CHS students named Congressional App Challenge winners
in News
By State House News Service
LOWELL, Massachusetts – On Friday, Dec. 6, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) announced Chelmsford High School students Obinna Onyemauwa, Wilson Ochie and Kensmyth Taveras as the winners of the Third Congressional District’s annual Congressional App Challenge (CAC).
Their app, “Ecosense”, was selected by a local judges from the pool of submissions from middle and high school students who participated in this year’s competition.
“Every year, I continue to be amazed by the sheer talent, ingenuity, and technological expertise of students across the Third District who participate in the Congressional App Challenge. It’s truly inspiring to see our young people tackle global challenges using fresh, innovative solutions,” said Congresswoman Trahan. “I’m thrilled to announce this year’s winners, Obinna Onyemauwa, Wilson Ochie, and Kensmyth Taveras, who developed an app that teaches users about their community’s water quality levels and local ecosystems. Thank you to every student who participated in this year’s highly competitive challenge and made it a tough choice for our judges.”
The “Ecosense” app provides data on nearby water stations and animal habitats, mapping geographic coordinates to locate species across the country. It tracks and records animals sighted, displays water quality statistics, and compares these to government safety standards.
The app includes a collection of animal species names with timestamps for research accuracy and integrates AI-driven image recognition, using Yolo11 and Microsoft Azure, to identify animals captured in photos. Additionally, it pulls data from government databases and incorporates animations to enhance the user experience.
“The impact this app has potential to do is vast, from helping local universities with their research, providing information on organism habitats & environmental water quality statistics to helping the everyday person learn about the changes happening to the earth & allowing them to make an informed decision on what they consume.” said Onyemauwa, Ochie and Taveras.