The Sun: Chelmsford High runner Xavier May always on the move to improve, help community
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By JAMES ALBERT | Correspondent
CHELMSFORD – Xavier May plans to study athletic training when he graduates next spring from Chelmsford High.
Athletic training may be his future, but May is already an accomplished builder.
He built himself into one of the top distance runners in the state, finishing 42nd in cross country last fall. In track, he competed at the national stage as part of a 4×800 relay team.
May, who wants to continue as a three-season runner, possibly at a Division 1 college, has built up his teammates as a strong senior captain.
He has also built quite the resume outside of sports. Part of the journey to become an Eagle Scout is completing a project and, with the help of 50 others, he built an Olympic scale shot put sector for the CHS track and field program at the McCarthy Middle School.