Work Permits

Chelmsford Public Schools Career ServicesSummer Hours

By appointment only by contacting Alexandra Cunningham, Career and College Readiness Facilitator:

Students seeking work under the age of 18 must have a work permit. Upon completion of the work permit application, they are processed in the Career Center outside of class (before school, lunch and after school). Photo ID is required.

Please follow the instructions below.



MASSACHUSETTS STATE LAW: All minors must obtain and complete the employment permit application for 14-17 year-olds before the permit can be issued.


Employment Permit Application forms (Promise of Employment forms) can be picked up at CHS Career Center or downloaded here.

14 and 15 year old’s: There are 4 sections that MUST be filled out and signed on the Employment permit Application before the Work Permit can be issued:

  1. The first section is completed and signed by the employer.
  2. The second section is completed and signed by the Doctor’s office of Medical Office where the minor had a physical within the last year. We cannot accept a copy of a physical; this has to be signed by a physician according to State Law.
  3. The third section is filled out and signed by the parent or guardian of the minor.
  4. The fourth section is signed and dated by the minor.

16 and 17 year old’s: There are 3 sections that must be filled out and signed on the Employment Permit Application before the Work Permit can be issued.

  1. The first section is completed and signed by the employer.
  2. The third section is filled out and signed by the parent or guardian of the minor.
  3. The fourth section is signed and dated by the minor.


*The Minor (student) must bring the completed Employment Permit Application form and a picture ID, if not a CHS student, a picture ID and a document that shows their birth date on it to the High School Career Center where the Work Permit will be filled out by the Authorized Agent. Documents MUST be originals, fax or copies will NOT be accepted. THE AUTHORIZED AGENT, MUST BY LAW, WITNESS THE MINOR SIGNING THE WORK PERMIT BEFORE IT CAN BE ISSUED.

CHS Students:

School year hours: Permits are done in the Career Center before school 7:00am – 7:15am, the beginning of your lunch and at the end of the school day. School vacations and summer hours call the Main Office at 978-251-5111 to make sure someone is available to do the permit.
No weekend or Holiday hours.

Non CHS students:

School year hours: Career Center 7:00am – 2:30pm.
School vacations and summer hours: call the Main Office at 978-251-5111 to make sure someone is available to do the permit.
No weekend or Holiday hours.

*Please note: Only Chelmsford Residents or students who attend school in the Chelmsford School District can obtain work permits at Chelmsford High School. Non-residents must obtain it from their own school district.